As the pictures I drew that you'll see on this page prove, I am not a good artist. With that in mind, some of the characters in BOZOS are represented here with pictures of actual people. I tend to cast the roles of the characters as I write them, and these are the people that came to mind when I was coming up with the ideas that make up the book.
Hopefully, none of these people will be pissed at me.
This section will be updated from time to time with more characters/designs

Charlie “Chuck” Hoffman:
Charlie had the makings of a great life. A tall, good looking kid from a well off family, this high school quarterback had his choice of colleges.
Then the obvious happened, and Charlie found himself dealing with a string of bad luck. First, a nasty sack led to knee replacement surgery, ending his football dreams. Not long after, a car accident left Charlie an orphan with a brother in a coma.
With no real education or skills, and an ever-increasing hospital bill for his brother, Charlie turned to the one job he was perfect for - hired muscle. Charlie has a knack for not getting caught or killed during the jobs he takes on. It isn’t some kind of skill he’s built up so much as it is dumb luck. Of course, dumb luck runs out sooner or later.
Charlie is tall, in great shape, and quick on his feet. He can take a punch, and he sure as hell can give one. If you looked up “corn-fed” in a slang dictionary, Charlie’s picture would be the example.

Pops Hart:
An old hat at the Bozo trade, Pops has been the wheelman for the biggest costumed baddies
around the world. Pops has the fat that a fella gets after being in shape for most of their life.
Wrestler fat, if you will. A solid beer gut and arms as thick as a tree. Still, the Bozo life has taken a toll on him.
He got his false teeth after a nasty run-in with a vigilante, and his left arm is covered in burn scars from a job he did with an acid loving supercriminal. Pops is constantly looking for that one last big job, the one that will set him up with enough cash to move to the Bahamas and retire in style.
Unknown to most everyone, Pops has a wife and two kids. The kids have grown up and moved out of state, starting families of their own, but Pops and his wife have a nice little house just outside the city.
Pops takes Charlie under his wing, seeing something of himself in the new blood. Maybe together, they can become something more than just Bozos

Robyn Reynolds:
While she’s only been on the Bozo beat for a few years, Robyn has quickly made a name for herself as one of the best safecrackers in Impact City, a trade she picked up from her Aunt Millie. Robyn lives for the adventure of the work, always looking to take on bigger and more
dangerous jobs. Unlike her sister Rachel, she plans to be a Bozo until the day she dies (and in this line of work, that day is probably closer than she thinks).
Robyn is protective of Millie and Frank, and acts as something of a bouncer at the bar. She lives in an apartment above Millie’s Bar and loves going to the theater.

Millie Sharp:
Millie pulled off the impossible - she actually saved up and got out of the Bozo life. Well, she’s all but out of the Bozo life. Millie used her Bozo cash to buy a bar and turned it into a safe space for the Bozos of Impact City. Known as Aunt Millie in the Bozo community, she’s the woman you go to when you need a drink or a loan. Just make sure you pay up for both before Millie has tocome looking for you.
Now, Frank tends bar at Millie’s bar.

Rachel Reynolds:
Unlike her sister, Rachel has no interest in being a Bozo. She didn’t go to MIT and get a doctorate in advanced mechanics to take orders from some dummy dressed like a squid. No, Rachel has bigger plans - she wants to be the dummy in the squid suit. A mechanical squid suit
to be exact. All she needs is enough cash to get the parts (or the chance to steal them), and then Rachel Reynolds will finally become SIlver Squid!
Rachel is transgender. She came out to her family when she was 16, and was thrown out of the house. Robyn left with her sister, and few a while the two lived on the streets. When they were caught breaking into Millie’s bar by Frank, the couple took the sisters in, forming a little family of their own. Rachel is in a long term relationship with another woman (an artist) who supports Rachel’s dream of becoming a supervillain.

Frank “Trips” Sharp:
If it weren’t for bad luck, Frank wouldn’t have any luck at all. Frank had a short career as a Bozo, going on a single job. During the job, he tripped on Western Witch’s broom and set off an alarm. Angry at his carelessness, Western Witch turned Frank into an anthropomorphic dog.

A teen hero who refuses to have a mentor (though he often turns to Energon for advice), Eclipse has a magical cloak that grants him a number of powers, including shadow teleportation, flight, magic blasts, and strength.
Unlike other teen heroes, Eclipse refuses to reveal his identity to the authorities and has no official mentor.
NOTE - Eclipse is purposely unshaded/textured. His costume is a living entity that, when he uses it, makes him look like a living cartoon.

The master of sound, Sonic can control soundwaves and turn them into physical constructs. He also has the ability to fly. One of the older heroes around, he is Th'Orn's closest friend and was Energon's mentor.

Pronounced “Thorn”, Th’Orn is an alien who came to Earth to set the stage for an invasion but found that he liked the planet. Choosing to protect humanity, Th’Orn brought together the greatest heroes of the time and formed the Power Alliance. As the leader of the Power Alliance, Th’Orn has been preparing for the day that his people come to Earth to invade.
Th’Orn is the husband of Raven and father of Pixie.

Once a janitor at PNRI (ParaNormal Research Institue), Energon gained his powers when he spilled a mop bucket and shorted out an experimental perpetual motion machine. With electricity flowing through his veins, Energon can fly, shoot bolts of energy, and crack wise with the best of them.

Strong Man:
Micro’s younger brother and a founding member of the Power Alliance, Strong Man’s name pretty much says it all. He’s nine feet tall and can lift 10 tons. His skin is unbreakable, and there are few things that can knock him down.
Strong Man turned his heroic fame into a billion-dollar merchandising industry with work out equipment, clothing, and shoes.

The daughter of Western Witch, Raven uses her magic for good. The most powerful member of the Power Alliance, she has gotten the team, and the universe, out of a number of jams.
Unlike most magic users, Raven is a happy-go-lucky sort. Mainly that’s because most magic users, sooner or later, use their precognition abilities to look into the future and see how they die. Raven prefers to live in the now.
Raven is the wife of Th’Orn and mother of Pixie.

A speedster, Zap was granted his powers by Niltsi, the Navajo god of wind. Zap can run at the
speed of sound and uses his fame as a hero to speak out for the rights of Native Americans.
While he is not a member of the Power Alliance (by his own choice), Zap is always there if they
need him.
(NOTE - Zap is Navajo, but I don't have a marker that wouldn't look like I was being racist towards Native Americans)

The daughter of Raven and Th'Orn, Pixie is the first human/alien hybrid. Along with the ability to control magic, Pixie has increased strength and agility like her dad. Her mother acts as her mentor.
Unlike her mother, Pixie used her powers to see her own future, and while she hides it from everyone, what she saw frightens her

Lola Rocket:
The granddaughter of the original Lola Rocket (who also happens to be the first superhero) and mentee of Micro, Lola feels the pressure of being a legacy hero. She hopes to take over as leader of Teen Alliance when Dusk is promoted.

A creature of nightmares, no one knows the true origins of the Western Witch. What is known is that she is hundreds of years old and has used so much dark magic that she barely resembles a human anymore. She is the mother of Raven and finds great joy in turning people into animals.

The Butcher:
A bored rich boy with an anime obsession, The Butcher paid for his powers. He went for the basic package; strength, flight, bulletproof skin, and speed. While he likes to think he’s one of the greatest martial artists in the world, and claims to have a black belt, the truth is he’s never taken a class and just poorly copies what he sees in movies.
A laughingstock in the supervillain world, The Butcher has a short temper and a steel fist. Still, he pays well.

Unlike how Marvel and DC keep their worlds close to reality when it comes to how the non-superbeings live, in this universe, some of the future tech has leaked out. For example, all modes of transportation (cars, trains, planes, ect) are electric powered and self-driving. Hover
technology is around, but it can’t handle the weight of anything over 100lbs, so it is used for smaller daily needs (shopping carts, strollers, ext). Doors to cars/apartments/homes use thumb pads for locks.
Commercial space travel is thriving, with a resort on the moon, and one opening on Mars in a few years.
On the other side, some things are as shitty as they are now. Healthcare, for example, isn’t any better unless you’re uber wealthy. There are cures for many ailments/diseases, but they are too expensive for anyone who isn’t in the top 1%. Insurance providers are still assholes looking for any reason not to pay out. If anything, the divide between the 99% and the 1% has gotten worse. The masses still toil away, while the wealthy pop a pill to take care of that pesky lung cancer before heading off for a vacation on the moon.
Situated somewhere in the United States (I don’t plan on revealing the state), Impact City is known for three things. The hot dogs (both vegan and meat versions), better known as Impact Dogs, is the first thing most people think of. The second thing is that the city is home to the Power Alliance, the greatest superhero team the world has ever seen. Third is Impact Spire, the tallest building in the world. The Impact Spire is a monument to architecture - every time a city or country builds a building taller than the Impact Spire, construction starts in new floors. Because of this, and a lack of interest in continuity, the Impact Spire shows off the various styles
of skyscrapers over the years.
Most of Impact City itself looks new. This is a wealthy city. Lots of fashionable people who work in finance or some other high paying bullshit work. There’s also a good amount of up-and-coming artists and a vibrant theater scene. Think about how Metropolis looked in
SUPERMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES. Shockingly tall buildings with multi-level streets miles high into the sky. Just about everything is clean with a touch of art deco. There are places, like Millie’s Bar and Charlie’s apartment/neighborhood, that are not so great. These areas look
closer to Manhattan in the late 70s - lots of grime and dirt. Lots of graffiti. Broken sidewalks and a complete lack of greenery. Not even a daisy through concrete.
Impact City’s motto is “Make an Impact”